/* Copyright (c) 2010, The HSQL Development Group. All rights reserved. Released under the HSQL license, available at http://hsqldb.org This is a working JAAS configuration file that sets up two "applications" for use with HyperSQL's extAuthWithSpring sample. Look under /integration/extAuthWithSpring in your HyperSQL distribution for details. */ demo { /* * A trivial module that allows access if user name and password start with * the specified values. * See source code for the module in for this class under the test-src * directory of your HyperSQL installation. */ org.hsqldb.auth.StartCharModule required //debug=true nameStart="s" pwdStart="p" ; }; sunLdap { /* * JAAS setup for com.sun.security.auth.module.LdapLoginModule. * This proprietary Sun Java 1.6 JSSE module doesn't support StartTLS, but * does support the deprecated LDAPS. It also supports only a single role or * initial schema. * Do a web search for LdapLoginModule for the API Spec which describes the * available settings and (incompletely) functionality. There is another * popular class on the Internet with the same name, so make sure you look at * the one with package of com.sun.security.auth.module. */ com.sun.security.auth.module.LdapLoginModule required // useSSL means LDAPS, not StartDLS (which is not supported). // It is true by default, so set to false unless you want LDAPS. useSSL=false // Enable following line for debugging // debug=true java.naming.security.authentication="DIGEST-MD5" // Your URL must include the parent DN for user records as shown. userProvider="ldap://beyla.admc.com/ou=people,dc=admc,dc=com" authIdentity="{USERNAME}" userFilter="uid={USERNAME}" authzIdentity="{memberof}" ; };