# $Id: ldap-exerciser.properties 3872 2010-11-09 04:14:40Z unsaved $ # This is a sample properties file for the utility program # org.hsqldb.auth.LdapAuthBean. See the API Spec for # org.hsqldb.auth.LdapAuthBean for details about all of the settings you can use # here. # IMPORTANT: Use ISO-8859-1 encoding for any extended characters, as you always # should for a Java properties file. # The ${...} construct (for system properties) is not supported. # All of these examples use a roleSchemaValuePattern setting to work with the # LDAP memberOf feature. If you have a direct attribute for specifying roles # (and optional schema), then just skip that setting. # These settings are used for all sample setups # When startTls is true, ldapHost must match the CN in the server's cert. ldapHost=beyla.admc.com parentDn=ou=people,dc=admc,dc=com roleSchemaValuePattern=cn=([^,]+).* rolesSchemaAttribute=memberof accessAttribute=hyperSqlAccess # This block of settings works for an OpenLDAP server using the memberOf # feature for membership in roles, with DIGEST-MD5 SASL and StartTLS with a # private (non-commercial) SSL certificate. startTls=true trustStore=/home/blaine/ca/cacert.store securityMechanism=DIGEST-MD5 # To use an LDAP server that is totally unsecured, comment out the settings in # the previous block and enable the one setting here. # An unsecured server can be useful for educational purposes, but not for a # real application! #principalTemplate=uid=${username},ou=people,dc=admc,dc=com # PLAIN authentication, but StartTLS-encrypted. Disable the block above # starting with "startTls=true" and enable the settings in this block. #principalTemplate=uid=${username},ou=people,dc=admc,dc=com # SASL DIGEST-MD5 with no encryption. Disable the block above # starting with "startTls=true" and enable the settings in this block. #securityMechanism=DIGEST-MD5