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Software using HSQLDB

Featured Project

ManifoldCF version 1.0 was released in October 2012 following graduation as an Apache project. ManfoldCF is a general spider framework that tracks and processes documents in repositories, databases and file systems. It relies entirely on a relational database to store scanning histories and current operations. HSQLDB can be used as the default embedded database when a separate database server such as PostgreSQL is not used. We cooperated with the project and added minor enhancements to HSQLDB to improve the performance of some complex queries used for viewing the history. HSQLDB's multithreaded MVCC model is put to good use to allow non-blocking access to the heavily updated database that can grow to hundreds of megabytes.

Open Source Software Using HSQLDB

Office and Productivity

Mathematics and Science

  • Kepler scientific modeling and workflow
  • SPECIALIST biomedical and general English lexicon

Web Portals

  • Liferay - web portal and social office


  • XWiki - enterprise collaboration

Application and code development

  • tongue-tied - multilanguage resource management for Java and other platforms
  • Hammurapi - automates code review and quality control

Application Servers and Frameworks

Other Software

Open Source Software for use with HSQLDB


Object Relational Mapping Software

  • Hibernate
  • Open JPA - JPA
  • DataNucleus - JDO3 and JPA2
  • jIncarnate - compiles plain SQL into Java code that uses JDBC
  • jOOQ - is a type-safe Java API for SQL which supports several database engines, using advanced SQL, including stored procedures and UDTs

Database Clustering and Replication Software

Database Development and Admin Utilities

  • Flyway - Database Migration and change management
  • Liquibase - DB schema and data change management
  • JAMon - JDBC monitoring and stats
  • DiffKit - compare and diff data in database tables, supports several database systems and flat files
  • SQL Workbench/J - GUI Database Manager
  • DBeaver - GUI Database Manager with support for HSQLDB SQL routines

Database Management Systems Incorporating HSQLDB

  • Volt DB - next generation RDBMS for high-performance OLTP uses HSQLDB for SQL processing
  • HyperXtremeSQL - very high performance Java database engines based on HSQLDB 2.x

Commercial Software Using HSQLDB

Mathematics and Science

Issue Tracking


Software Build + Integration Management

Project Management  / Team Collaboration

  • Yoxel PCM is a desktop application that helps you succeed with projects by leveraging project-based email communication and enhancing team collaboration experience.


  • hybris supplies Product Information Management software for the media-neutral management of product information and its use in both e-commerce and printed catalog channels.
    By default HSQLDB is bundled as backing database for our J2EE persistence layer optimally
    suited for easy distribution.

Mobile Application Development

  • MobiForms mobile application development tool offers an
    intuitive graphical drag and drop development environment. A user can deploy and run a full blown Java application on
    Pocket PC, Windows CE and Windows Mobile running against a local mobile
    HSQLDB database.

Extent of use of HSQLDB

  • HyperSQL is used in well over 2000 open source projects (Maven stats)
  • HyperSQL was the 5th most popular RDBMS (after MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQL Server) by usage from JVM in a survey covering over 600 companies during 2016.

New Open Source Software

  • Sormula - data access and simple object relational mapper

This list is of course not complete. Especially, hundreds of open-source projects that use HSQLDB have not been listed. Please feel free to submit a link to be added to this list. We only publish links to well-established software on this page. New and up-and-coming software releases of special interest may also be listed.

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